// License: MPL-2.0
// (c) 2022 Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com>
use hash::fnv;
use strings;

// A pair of a Media Type and a list of file extensions associated with it. The
// extension list does not include the leading '.' character.
export type mimetype = struct {
	mime: str,
	exts: []str,

// List of media types with statically allocated fields (though the list itself
// is dynamically allocated).
let static_db: []*mimetype = [];

// List of media types with heap-allocated fields, used when loading mime types
// from the system database.
let heap_db: []*mimetype = [];

def MIME_BUCKETS: size = 256;

// Hash tables for efficient database lookup by mimetype or extension
let mimetable: [MIME_BUCKETS][]*mimetype = [[]...];
let exttable: [MIME_BUCKETS][]*mimetype = [[]...];

// Registers a Media Type and its extensions in the internal MIME database. This
// function is designed to be used by @init functions for modules which
// implement new Media Types.
export fn register(mime: *mimetype...) void = {
	let i = len(static_db);
	append(static_db, mime...);
	for (i < len(static_db); i += 1) {

fn hashtable_insert(item: *mimetype) void = {
	const hash = fnv::string(item.mime);
	let bucket = &mimetable[hash % len(mimetable)];
	append(bucket, item);

	for (let i = 0z; i < len(item.exts); i += 1) {
		const hash = fnv::string(item.exts[i]);
		let bucket = &exttable[hash % len(exttable)];
		append(bucket, item);

const text_plain: mimetype = mimetype {
	mime = "text/plain",
	exts = ["txt"],

const text_hare: mimetype = mimetype {
	mime = "text/x-hare",
	exts = ["ha"],

@init fn init() void = {
	register(&text_plain, &text_hare);

@fini fn fini() void = {
	for (let i = 0z; i < len(heap_db); i += 1) {